Miki Saxon tells us that she's no fan of the cult of individual leadership. Likewise we'd also agree with the following when Miki says;
‘Leader’ and ‘leadership’ lost their meaning when the media latched on and started using them as shorthand for what the guy at the front (leader) thinks should be done to move forward (leadership).
(while revelling in the subjectivity of the language around leadership!)
By Miki November 6, 2008 - 8:25 pm
Hi Bruce, thanks for the mention here at Four Groups, for visiting LT and initiating the discussion there.
Regarding the subjectivity—how could there be anything else? What idea/concept really has a truly objective side?
By Bruce Lewin November 7, 2008 - 8:04 am
Hi Miki,
>What idea/concept really has a truly objective side?
What a question… perhaps we could look at things like weights and measures, stocks of money or quantative things. Are the laws of physics truly objective? Did we ‘discover’ numbers or did they already exist?
To be honest, I’m not completely sure one way or another. Maybe its time to chat to the philosophers!