Tag Archives: HR

Socialogy and a Scientifically-Grounded Understanding of People

A scientifically-grounded understanding of people, such as 4G, has the potential to change business in hugely profound ways, perhaps on a scale comparable to the industrial revolution, the introduction of the PC or the rise of the internet. Such a statement is naturally loaded with many assumptions and implications, so it’s worth exploring both in further detail… Continue reading Continue reading

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Why is Understanding People So Hard

The lack of tools that help us better understand people through reliable predictions undoubtedly contributes to the fact that understanding people is hard Continue reading Continue reading

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Greatest Assets?

A provocatively titled blog over at HBR (here) by Anthony J. Bradley and Mark P. McDonald questions the much used adage, “people are our greatest asset” (PAOGA from now on). The article raises some interesting points, bringing together ideas around … Continue reading

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Systemic Barriers to Innovation

My previous post (here) commenting on Bill Taylor’s critique of the role of industry experience on decision making and innovation got me thinking about the systemic barriers to innovation that exist in many organisations. Taylor argues that by framing decision … Continue reading

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A Problem with Complexity

If engagement was the buzzword amongst OD and HR professionals last year, the current word du jour seems to be complexity. HR Magazine recently (here) featured research carried out by Simon Collinson at Warwick University and consultancy Simplicity Partnership that … Continue reading

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Rebooting HR

Over at MiX, (here), Luc Galoppin posted an excellent blog that succinctly summarises some of the inherent problems and contradictions present in most HR departments. These can be summarised by HR’s ongoing desire for a seat at the top table … Continue reading

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Gary Hamel – Reinventing Management

For those not familiar with Gary Hamel’s work (there can’t be that many), there is a great short presentation over at HBR (here). This makes a good listen, touching on many of the ills inherent in early twenty-first century organisational … Continue reading

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Reviewing Predictions for HR

Jon Ingham posted a review of his predictions for 2010. You have to applaud the bravey and transparency, especially when Jon writes; These [predictions] included this video blog suggesting that HR needs more ambition (a point that I still strongly … Continue reading

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Another thought on making HR indispensable

Another way for HR to make itself indispensable is through a more sophisticated and considered approach to talent management. Again, we are not talking about talent management in the traditional sense. Instead by focusing on social networks and connectivity, HR … Continue reading

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Is there really such a thing called talent?

A very thought provoking piece on talent from Magnus Holm, drilling into the details and questioning some of the assumptions. In order to become great or excellent, you must keep practicing. Not mindless practice of course, but deliberate practice as … Continue reading

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