Tag Archives: social software

Peopleware and Social Business – A Missing Piece?

Despite the fact that the term ‘peopleware’ was first coined in 1977 and a book by the same name was published in 1987, there is little contemporary mention of peopleware today in social business circles. It’s going to be interesting to watch the changing role of peopleware in social business, not least the idea of what peopleware is and how it can help social business realise it’s full, transformative potential. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Intangibles, Psychology, Teams, Technology, Relationships, Tools | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Prediction is important, if not vital

Being able to predict things, in business and elsewhere is critical. We don’t always get it right, but understanding the variables and relationships between ‘inputs’ and ‘outputs’ goes a long way to creating a positive outcome. In terms of Enterprise … Continue reading

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Changing the way Collaboration and Communication is managed

A classic (it was published in 2005!) from Stowe  Boyd on Social Software. Much of it has come to pass, but its nice to look back and see the connections. I particularly enjoyed his conclusion, the full effects of which … Continue reading

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