Tag Archives: business

Business is just Relationships

Sig has a great post on the slowly emerging theme that “Business” is nothing but “Social Networks”. Given the recent rise of numerous social software platforms and the maturity of Business Process Management, it is refreshing to read that people … Continue reading

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Ready, Aim, Fire… Business isn’t War…

Given the time and energy invested in activities such as engagement, talent development, finding ‘untapped potential’ and purpose, it’s quite surprising to see elements of business language still being dominated by military metaphors from the last century. Take, for example, … Continue reading

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Leadership, Intangibles and Talent Review Q3 2010

Welcome to the Q3 Quarterly Update for 2010. After the Summer lull, we have seen some thought provoking articles surrounding intangibles, HR, innovation and leadership. We’ll also explore the following themes; Compensation and Motivation The HR Conundrum Relationships Culture Talent … Continue reading

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