Tag Archives: management

Rethinking the War for Talent

Despite advances in technology, selection methods and years of cumulative experience; organisations continue to struggle squaring the recruitment and talent puzzle. Arguably, with all the tools currently available to them, businesses are no better at recruiting than they were 20 years ago. Whilst new technologies and social media have widened the net, there is little evidence to suggest that decision making is improving or that organisations are better at understanding what makes a successful hire. Maybe it is time that we re-frame the talent question and look at recruitment decisions through a different set of filters? Continue reading Continue reading

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Gary Hamel – Reinventing Management

For those not familiar with Gary Hamel’s work (there can’t be that many), there is a great short presentation over at HBR (here). This makes a good listen, touching on many of the ills inherent in early twenty-first century organisational … Continue reading

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Is there really such a thing called talent?

A very thought provoking piece on talent from Magnus Holm, drilling into the details and questioning some of the assumptions. In order to become great or excellent, you must keep practicing. Not mindless practice of course, but deliberate practice as … Continue reading

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