Tag Archives: teams

Can You Predict Team Performance?

Predicting team performance is important and psychological factors are one approach that show promise. Using 4G and the Visual Team Builder, it’s possible to predict how specific Social Relationships between two people will unfold and in turn, aggregate this data to look at team relationships, complex group dynamics and to see their impact on team performance. Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, Tools, 4G, Psychology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Team Deficiency Accounts for Startup Failure 33% of the Time

Team deficiency accounts for startup failure almost 33% of the time. Whilst is it commonplace to speak in terms of mechanical, manufacturing, medical or construction related deficiency, there are precious few online articles dealing with team deficiency. If teams are said to be deficient in something, then this raises a whole series of other interesting questions, not least of which is ‘what is a team’? Continue reading

Posted in Intangibles, Psychology, Relationships, Teams, Tools, Venture Capital | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Video – Management Due Diligence

There’s a now a video demonstration of 4G on the Management Due Diligence page. You can see the video below, or on the Management Due Diligence page. Management Due Diligence Video Demonstration Twitter Linkedin Facebook Google Email

Posted in 4G, Culture, Intangibles, Leadership, Psychology, Strategy, Teams, Video and Audio | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment