Tag Archives: physics of people

Can You Predict Team Performance?

Predicting team performance is important and psychological factors are one approach that show promise. Using 4G and the Visual Team Builder, it’s possible to predict how specific Social Relationships between two people will unfold and in turn, aggregate this data to look at team relationships, complex group dynamics and to see their impact on team performance. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Tools, 4G, Psychology, Relationships | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

A Physics of People and The 5 Criteria to Transform Business

The idea of a Physics of People is both valuable and represents something potentially unique. Given that the idea has the potential to transform business, the following sets out the five criteria that a ‘Physics of People’ would need to have in order to have the best chance at achieving such a transformation. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 4G, Culture, Intangibles, Psychology, Relationships, Tools | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thinking about a ‘Physics of People’

Further to Stowe’s piece Socialogy and a Scientifically-Grounded Understanding of People and his Physics of People tag, I’ve been thinking about other people’s thoughts and ideas on the subject. What does the idea of a ‘Physics of People’ consist of and how it might take shape? The following extracts and quotes chart the thinking and writing on the subject over the past ten years or so. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, Tools, Intangibles, Psychology, Strategy, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , , | 10 Comments