Category Archives: Uncategorized

Be More Like Mathematicians!

Over at Boing Boing (here), Maggie Koerth-Baker points us in the direction of an interesting question posted on Quora (here), where someone asks “What is it like to have an understanding of very advanced mathematics?” In response, someone posted this … Continue reading

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M&A – Still Learning?

A couple of articles dropped into the inbox last week that seem to confirm that despite decades of experience, organisations are still struggling to unlock the value in mergers and acquisitions. First up, a McKinsey survey (here), tells us that … Continue reading

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Systemic Barriers to Innovation

My previous post (here) commenting on Bill Taylor’s critique of the role of industry experience on decision making and innovation got me thinking about the systemic barriers to innovation that exist in many organisations. Taylor argues that by framing decision … Continue reading

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Knowing When to Step Down – Dilemmas of Succession

Succession is one of those topics that gets very little coverage given it’s significance. An interesting blog post in the New York Times (here) by Quentin Hardy draws attention to some of the pitfalls in not having a plan in … Continue reading

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Innovation and Culture

Booz & Company’s Annual Innovation Survey (here) dropped into my inbox this morning and the conclusions are challenging and in many ways bad news for organisations striving to catch the elusive innovation wave. The results suggest that it is not … Continue reading

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A Problem with Complexity

If engagement was the buzzword amongst OD and HR professionals last year, the current word du jour seems to be complexity. HR Magazine recently (here) featured research carried out by Simon Collinson at Warwick University and consultancy Simplicity Partnership that … Continue reading

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Steve Jobs – Culture and Innovation

Amidst all the comment about last week’s announcement from Steve Jobs, many commentators have been in a rush to speculate on the future for Apple and the key elements of Jobs’ legacy. Although it is far too early to fully … Continue reading

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Gary Hamel – Reinventing Management

For those not familiar with Gary Hamel’s work (there can’t be that many), there is a great short presentation over at HBR (here). This makes a good listen, touching on many of the ills inherent in early twenty-first century organisational … Continue reading

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Getting the Right Numbers

The trailer came out recently for a new Brad Pitt movie (here), Moneyball, an adaptation of Michael Lewis’ book about the rise of the Oakland A’s baseball team, where General Manager Billy Beane was temporarily able to use innovative statistical … Continue reading

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The Apprentice: A rocky road ahead?

Those in the UK will no doubt be aware that last Sunday saw the finale of The Apprentice, where the nerdy inventor Tom Pellereau triumphed over the hyper-organised and arguably more capable Helen Milligan (here). In contrast to previous series’, … Continue reading

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