Tag Archives: change

3 Barriers to Adaptability and Change

There are 3 core barriers to adaptability and change. 1. Prioritising Short Term Profits 2. Short Term Thinking 3. An Addiction to Core Revenue Streams. By applying these 3 barriers to Nokia, Blackberry, Blockbuster, Kodak and others, it’s possible to see how each organisation struggled to meet oncoming changes and competitive threats to their businesses. Continue reading

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Management Courses that Change Behaviour – Yeah right!

Keith McGregor from Personnel Psychology NZ calls out some of the myths and mysteries around training and development and the prospect of realising change, or not… Over the years we have run many management training courses and get wonderful feedback … Continue reading

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Rebooting HR

Over at MiX, (here), Luc Galoppin posted an excellent blog that succinctly summarises some of the inherent problems and contradictions present in most HR departments. These can be summarised by HR’s ongoing desire for a seat at the top table … Continue reading

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Leadership, Intangibles and Talent Review Q3 2010

Welcome to the Q3 Quarterly Update for 2010. After the Summer lull, we have seen some thought provoking articles surrounding intangibles, HR, innovation and leadership. We’ll also explore the following themes; Compensation and Motivation The HR Conundrum Relationships Culture Talent … Continue reading

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