Category Archives: 4G

HR and Big Data; Jumping the Gun?

Big Data is unlikely to lead to the breakthroughs in understanding of what makes success unless organisations start to take into account the key intangibles such as relationships and culture. To understand performance or lack thereof, we need to look far beyond the capabilities, characteristics or behaviour of individuals. Instead, relationships, culture, other intangibles and contextual factors play a larger role in understanding performance. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 4G, Culture, General, Intangibles, Leadership, Relationships | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Rethinking the War for Talent

Despite advances in technology, selection methods and years of cumulative experience; organisations continue to struggle squaring the recruitment and talent puzzle. Arguably, with all the tools currently available to them, businesses are no better at recruiting than they were 20 years ago. Whilst new technologies and social media have widened the net, there is little evidence to suggest that decision making is improving or that organisations are better at understanding what makes a successful hire. Maybe it is time that we re-frame the talent question and look at recruitment decisions through a different set of filters? Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, 4G, Culture, Intangibles, Psychology, Teams | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

3 Barriers to Adaptability and Change

There are 3 core barriers to adaptability and change. 1. Prioritising Short Term Profits 2. Short Term Thinking 3. An Addiction to Core Revenue Streams. By applying these 3 barriers to Nokia, Blackberry, Blockbuster, Kodak and others, it’s possible to see how each organisation struggled to meet oncoming changes and competitive threats to their businesses. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 4G, Culture, Leadership, Strategy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Can You Predict Team Performance?

Predicting team performance is important and psychological factors are one approach that show promise. Using 4G and the Visual Team Builder, it’s possible to predict how specific Social Relationships between two people will unfold and in turn, aggregate this data to look at team relationships, complex group dynamics and to see their impact on team performance. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in 4G, Psychology, Relationships, Tools | Tagged , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

A Physics of People and The 5 Criteria to Transform Business

The idea of a Physics of People is both valuable and represents something potentially unique. Given that the idea has the potential to transform business, the following sets out the five criteria that a ‘Physics of People’ would need to have in order to have the best chance at achieving such a transformation. Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Intangibles, Psychology, Relationships, Tools, 4G, Culture | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Decision Making in Online Dating

I’ve been doing some reading about the online dating industry recently and in particular looking to whether there is a potential use for 4G as a means to predict relationship outcomes. This was kicked off by an article earlier this … Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, Relationships, Dating, 4G | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Culture and Fit

A great post by Fred Wilson (here) looks at the role culture and fit play in growing companies. Rather than the quality of the products or services a company provides being the arbiter of performance, Wilson argues that it is … Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, Venture Capital, 4G, Culture, Intangibles, Leadership, Teams | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rebooting HR

Over at MiX, (here), Luc Galoppin posted an excellent blog that succinctly summarises some of the inherent problems and contradictions present in most HR departments. These can be summarised by HR’s ongoing desire for a seat at the top table … Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, 4G, Leadership, Strategy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How do you measure the quality of your relationships?

I came across this intriguing post from Robin Dickinson, asking about people measure the quality of their relationships. This comment really caught my eye; Given that we are empowered to make literally 1000’s of such connections [via social media], this … Continue reading

Posted in Relationships, 4G, Intangibles, Leadership, Psychology | Tagged , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Video – Management Due Diligence

There’s a now a video demonstration of 4G on the Management Due Diligence page. You can see the video below, or on the Management Due Diligence page. Management Due Diligence Video Demonstration Twitter Linkedin Facebook Google Email

Posted in Video and Audio, 4G, Culture, Intangibles, Leadership, Psychology, Strategy, Teams | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment