Tag Archives: networks

Hiring and Acquiring – Two Sides of the Same Coin?

It is hard to imagine two organisational activities that result in more high profile, costly failures and reputational damage than corporate acquisitions and senior level recruitment (although culture change probably comes close). Situations where high hopes and strong rationale underpinning an acquisition or senior level hire can quickly give way to the realisation that a big mistake has been made are all too common. At first glance they may not seem to be too similar; yet both activities share some of the same fundamental problems and issues. Given that failure in these activities is hugely damaging to businesses, isn’t it time businesses changed their approach to hiring and acquiring? Continue reading Continue reading

Posted in Teams, Venture Capital, Culture, Intangibles, Leadership, Strategy | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

2011, a Year of Relationships?

Ross Dawson has a view of both next year and the next decade. Amongst the trends, relationships are becoming more and more significant (if they weren’t already!) and given the increased use of social media tools, this is only likely … Continue reading

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Millenials value Networks and Relationships

Susan Scrupski writes about some research she’s been doing with GE and J&J, the upshot of which is that as the generational collide increases, the value placed on networks and relationships by younger employees seems to rise. In Susan’s words; … Continue reading

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