Author Archives: Bruce Lewin
Hi everyone
Given Regina Miller’s very warm and generous (re) introduction, I thought it only appropriate to say that as the coming days pass, I hope to be adding more posts and thoughts to the blog! The absence was one of having … Continue reading
Blending and Conceptual Integration
I’ve been doing some research on creativity and problem solving and have come across the idea of Blending. I think its a neat idea and one that possesses a great deal of power and application. Blending is a concept which … Continue reading
Some relationships are more equal than others
Meg Ellis made some comments on our 4G and Myers Briggs/MBTI posting . The MBTI reported type code is a beginning point for people to determine their “best fit” type. They may behave differently from what their preferences are. Life … Continue reading
From the moment we are born
“From the moment we are born, we spend the rest of our lives trying to understand ourselves” – Sue Gouldman. I met Sue a week or two ago and thought that this quote was exteremly apt. Sue works in Careers … Continue reading
A Cacophony of Quantification
Many psychometric reports will feedback a series of numbers, graphs and sten scores in a cacophony of quantification. While one cannot underestimate the impact of a good visual aid, I am often left asking the question ‘what do these numbers … Continue reading
HR Strategy – Personal and Systematic Credibility
Liz Ryan at Business Week and Steve at Catbert (amongst others!) have all chipped in with the debate surrounding HR, credibility and HR’s role within business. From my perspective, I think it is a two-fold issue, a combination of personal … Continue reading
4G and Myers Briggs/MBTI
Myers Briggs (or MBTI) is possibly the most popular psychometric is use today and there is no shortage of people who write about this model. Given, however, some of the similarities between Myers and 4G, people often ask what the … Continue reading
Is the glass half full or half empty?
People often use the metaphor of the glass being half full or half empty to talk about positive or negative perceptions. While this of course has its place, I was particularly impressed by a re-working of this quote by a … Continue reading
7th July 2005
Our thoughts and sympathy is with the victims of the London bombings today. Hopefully this is the last successful terrorist attack of our times and that the perpetrators turn to peaceful means to progress their own agendas. Twitter Linkedin Facebook … Continue reading
Leadership Theories
I’ve been doing some research into leadership theories and have found what I think is a useful matrix and approach for categorising much of what is already out there. The matrix is from the work of Arthur G. Jago and … Continue reading