Is Malcolm Gladwell stating the obvious?

Malcolm Gladwell has been over to London, talking about his new book, The Outliers. I haven't read the book and I've only scanned the reviews, but the talent management component of the message seems to be that;

Outliers focuses more on the social and cultural context of individuals to explain their extraordinary success... Gladwell explains how success in the 21st century is less about sheer intelligence and more about collaboration and hard work

We're always in favour of collaboration, although concerning Gladwell, the BPS blog linked to a wonderful interview with Gladwell and Katie Couric in which Couric asks Gladwell if he is stating the obvious. Gladwell's reaction before answering is well worth the three minutes and preceding advert!

However you perceive Gladwell, it is wonderful to watch someone who has been so closely entwined with the zeitgeist for so long.

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