A Value Added Attitude?

Regina Miller wrote a great piece on the 'Value Added Attitude' of HR and the fact that this is a subject that Regina "could blog on for hours on this topic, but will stop here. I will come back to this again and again." Anyway, the three tips follow;

Tip 1: Now this is not new stuff…this is the baseline and if you are not operating from this perspective and strategic framework, you are way behind.

Tip 2: If you don’t see one of HR’s main responsibilities in the business as the facilitators of strategy alignment, strategy deployment and strategy execution, then you are in the wrong job.

Tip 3: So, if you are feeling like your HR group doesn’t have the right “attitude”, then you need to ask yourself what has to be done to get it? Make sure you are working on the right things so the organization has the capabilities to execute on the strategy. Make sure you deliver what you say you will. Make sure all that you do is connected, integrated and relevant to the business.

I guess we'll both be writing for some time to come... 🙂

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