Category Archives: General


HCM Software Growth

Research group IDC are reporting growth in the Human Capital Management field from £700m today to £1bn in 2010. Much of this growth appears to come from the increasing complexity in managing the HR function. Bo Lykkegaard, an analyst at … Continue reading

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Groundbreaking Research

Jason Corsello highlights the ability of Talent Management software firms to match and link competencies across industries and clients. Demonstrating the relationship between this data and revenues and costs in the words of Jason; …is…can I say…groundbreaking? This could be … Continue reading

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Demonstrating Value?

Personnel Today have an interesting opinion piece in which they call for greater sophistication in demonstrating the value added by HR and HR Outsourcing in general; HR outsourcing’s tools and techniques need to move up to a new level of … Continue reading

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Emotional Injury Liability Insurance

I read an interesting post from Jerry Pounds at Management Issues. In short, the issue of intentional emotional distress can now carry a hefty penalty, at least in the US. A hospital maintenance worker was recently awarded an $11.65 million … Continue reading

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Hi everyone

Given Regina Miller’s very warm and generous (re) introduction, I thought it only appropriate to say that as the coming days pass, I hope to be adding more posts and thoughts to the blog! The absence was one of having … Continue reading

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From the moment we are born

“From the moment we are born, we spend the rest of our lives trying to understand ourselves” – Sue Gouldman. I met Sue a week or two ago and thought that this quote was exteremly apt. Sue works in Careers … Continue reading

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Is the glass half full or half empty?

People often use the metaphor of the glass being half full or half empty to talk about positive or negative perceptions. While this of course has its place, I was particularly impressed by a re-working of this quote by a … Continue reading

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7th July 2005

Our thoughts and sympathy is with the victims of the London bombings today. Hopefully this is the last successful terrorist attack of our times and that the perpetrators turn to peaceful means to progress their own agendas. Twitter Linkedin Facebook … Continue reading

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Text versions of our articles

Just a quick admin note to say that there are now some text versions of our articles online, along with the pdf versions that are avaliable if you register. Actions for Enterprise Collaboration – White Paper. Companies need to innovate … Continue reading

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People like Good Working Relationships

People like good working relationships and actively seek them out! This idea has clear implications for team building and team effectiveness. By combining this with 4G and the ability to predict relationships, I think there are some interesting new ideas … Continue reading

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