Category Archives: General


Leadership, Intangibles and Talent Review Q4 2008

Introduction Welcome to the first issue of the Four Groups Leadership, Intangibles and Talent review. The purpose is to try to distil and comment on some of the more interesting and articles shaping the field. That said, the subject matter … Continue reading

Posted in General, Intangibles, Leadership, Strategy, Articles & Research | 4 Comments

The rebirth of values and philosophy, can it be done?

Nick Carr has been writing plenty on computing and the move towards a new approach called cloud computing. A recent piece from Nick seeks to compare Google with Microsoft and their respective attempts to win business customers for their respective … Continue reading

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The Leadership Development Carnival

We’ve just heard from Dan McCarthy that the post ‘The war for talent is over and we’ve won!’ has been featured in the Leadership Development Carnival. Thanks Dan 🙂 You can find out more about the Carnival and submit a … Continue reading

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Managing Intangibles

Summary By making the traditionally intangible aspects of an organisation tangible, managers can benefit from superior information and greater choice. This new perspective combines insights and knowledge that would previously only have been available by chance alone with a comprehensive … Continue reading

Posted in General, Strategy, Articles & Research, 4G, Culture | 17 Comments

New blog

We’ve just upgraded our blog software to the latest version of WordPress and hope to start adding some more posts and articles in the coming days. Twitter Linkedin Facebook Google Email

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Gap Analysis and HR

Systematic HR has an excellent post on HR strategy, both what it is and what it isn’t. While the piece will likely ruffle a few feathers, I think it is interesting to look at the gaps in perception between HR … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, General, Strategy | 2 Comments

Apparently, nearly 50% of employees fail in the first 18 months of their jobs

Thank you to Max Goldman’s blog for the title. We’ve also seen research by Ciampa and Watkins (1999) who claim that 64% of external hires ‘fail to make it in their new jobs’. Max writes; Apparently, nearly 50% of employees … Continue reading

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Relationships as the Killer App?!

My friend Johnnie Moore has been spending some time at Reboot8. Here’s a quick extract that caught my eye from an update from Johnnie; …here are a few soundbites from Doc Searls who is speaking at the moment. Not sure … Continue reading

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More on Recruitment Methods

Following on from an earlier post, Robert Cenek raises the question ‘Can Job Turnover be Predicted?’ To me, it seems that Robert’s line of thinking runs in parrell to the earlier post, particularly when he writes; Can Job Turnover be … Continue reading

Posted in Psychology, General | 2 Comments

Links on Relationships

I’ve been seeing a number of posts and articles on conflict and relationships. Here are some to mull over if you fancy a browse; Poor conflict management costs business billions In the UK alone, the CEDR calculates, conflict costs business … Continue reading

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